COVID-19 Interim Ministry Plan

From the pastors and leadership of First Baptist Church Chickasha. Beginning Wednesday, March 18, 2020, FBC will institute the following Interim Ministry Plan:

  • All public corporate gatherings and ministry events (any activity where people congregate together in person) over the next three weeks will be either canceled or moved online. During this time, we will closely monitor the unfolding health crisis and will communicate regularly regarding the potential for extending this interim plan beyond three weeks.
  • During this interim time frame, FBC will produce weekly digital content to engage our church family and our community with the gospel. We will refer to this content as Virtual Worship Venues. We plan to publish content each week on Sunday mornings, Sunday evenings, and Wednesday evenings to coordinate with the times when we normally gather as a church body. This content will include a weekly worship service, Sunday school lessons for all ages, a weekly family devotional, and other ministry-specific worship and teaching content. On Friday, March 20 we will post a full list of our Virtual Worship Venues along with a schedule detailing when specific content will be posted online during the next three weeks.
  • During this interim period, our staff and our deacons will work to contact every member of our church. We will also be in regular contact with those who are most vulnerable during this period of time.
  • FBC will also communicate with other organizations in our community to do our best to minister to our entire community throughout this interim period. As more information about ministry needs and opportunities is available, it will be communicated with the church body.
  • We trust that God provides everything that we need according to his plan, but we ask that the people of FBC continue to give faithfully throughout this interim period. We are blessed to be in a strong financial position due to the faithful giving of our First family, and we fully expect that giving will reflect the overall downturn in our economy. At the same time, we want to continue to be a conduit that God uses to fund ministry in our community, across our state, and even to the ends of the earth. Our staff is operating under very conservative financial practices during this time, and we will communicate regularly with the church regarding our finances.
  • Last—and perhaps most importantly—we strongly encourage the people of FBC to look for ways to use this health crisis as an opportunity to reach people with the gospel. Through this, let’s work together to love all people to faith in Jesus Christ and to multiply disciples.